Stories: PD that Rocks


In 2018, 2Rev put forth a challenge, a micro-grant opportunity for schools, districts, and educational providers who wanted to try something new with professional development and move the needle from compliance to ownership. Here are the stories of what these grant winners have been working on ever since.

No Limits Edu, NKCES’s podcast, is changing the game of professional development.

No Limits Edu, NKCES’s podcast, is changing the game of professional development.

A podcast AS PD

Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services (NKCES) is the regional PD provider for 17 rural, urban, and suburban school districts that range in size from 163 students to over 20,000 students. NKCES used the grant funds to launch a monthly podcast built around innovative PD and the Learn Next building blocks, playlists, and progressions. READ MORE HERE.

honoring student voice

The Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to building a strong, supported, and effective teaching force for Washington’s students. In the last three years, CSTP has worked to develop a statewide system for teachers to collect student perception data of the classroom and instruction. With the micro-grant, CSTP developed a Student Perception Professional Learning Toolkit of tools and resources for teachers to utilize after they’ve received their student perception results. READ MORE HERE.  

CSTP’s Student Perception Survey helps teachers achieve their professional goals and meet the needs of their learners.

CSTP’s Student Perception Survey helps teachers achieve their professional goals and meet the needs of their learners.


Crowd-sourcing professional learning

Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools (PLSAS) is a school district in the southern Twin Cities Metro region with 8,400 students and 650 staff. They have recently joined a cohort of other metro districts in implementing a participatory, crowd-based innovation program in which every staff member has the opportunity to propose ideas aligned with their mission to make the student and teacher experience better. Last year, they began developing a teaching and learning framework to drive this work. READ MORE HERE.

Next Gen Teaching standards

InnovateEDU is a Brooklyn-based nonprofit with a mission to eliminate the achievement gap by accelerating innovation in personalized learning models and education tools that enhance teaching and learning. The micro-grant helped the organization continue to develop instructional resources, educator supports, and tools that support solutions to real challenges faced by educators and schools. READ MORE HERE.

Cortex is a learning management system that’s using teacher and student data in innovative ways to drive academic growth.

Cortex is a learning management system that’s using teacher and student data in innovative ways to drive academic growth.

Teacher Leader Academy (TLA) is an ongoing professional learning experience for educators.

Teacher Leader Academy (TLA) is an ongoing professional learning experience for educators.

Job-Embedded PD

The Clarksville-Montgomery County School System is a high-performing, innovative school system in middle Tennessee serving more than 35,000 students in 40 schools. With the micro-grant, Clarksville-Montgomery County moved forward with a pilot initiative to track the success of a new type of professional learning for teachers in the district: Professional Learning Innovation Cycles, called Teacher Leader Academy (TLA). READ MORE HERE.

high levels of learning for all kids

Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy is a Chicago Public Schools selective enrollment academic center and high school located on the South Side of Chicago, serving 1,000 students in grades 7-12. The school serves students from mostly low-income backgrounds with approximately 66% of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch. The school’s mission is to ensure each student learns at high levels. To that end, they have worked to implement problem-based learning, personalized learning, and, most recently, competency-based education as part of the Illinois State Board of Education Pilot Program. READ MORE HERE.

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